Bruce - vk2rt
I obtained my Amateur Operator’s Certificate of Proficiency (AOCP) in 1977 starting with callsign VK2BAQ and then changing to VK2RT. I have also taken over my father’s callsign VK2ABB since he became a silent key. I spent two years as P29BB in the late 1970’s, spending one year in Port Moresby and one year in Yonki near Kainantu in the highlands of Papua New Guinea. Spent over 40 years at my Engadine NSW QTH, then leaving for the bush in February 2020 to Northern NSW in the Clarence Valley at Gulmarrad near Maclean.
Radios: FTdx101D, FTdx10, FT-991A and FT-450D for 6m plus some old boat anchors, FT-890, TS-830S, Collins KWM2A.
Amplifiers: SPE Expert 1.5K, Heathkit SB220, Collins 30L-1, Mirage A1015 6m Amp, Mirage B2518G 2m Amp.
Antennas: Mosley CL-33-M at 10m, Multiband Dipole 80/40/20m, End Fed Long Wire, 5el 6m beam, 13el 2m beam, 10el 70cm beam, 6m Vertical, 2 x 2m/70cm Verticals.
Location: Gulmarrad NSW Australia, approximately 40 km North of Grafton in the Clarence Valley. Qg60om
My main areas of interest are in digital modes such as JT65, JT9, FT8, JS8, MSK144, PSK31, OLIVIA, RTTY and SSTV.
My main areas of interest are in digital modes such as JT65, JT9, FT8, JS8, MSK144, PSK31, OLIVIA, RTTY and SSTV.
My Shack
Antennas: Mosley CL-33-M at 10m, Multiband Dipole 80/40/20m, End Fed Long Wire, 5el 6m beam, 13el 2m beam, 10el 70cm beam, 6m Vertical, 2 x 2m/70cm Verticals. Click here for video.